Prior to joining my Faithfully Fit Community we will talk in-depth about your health and fitness goals and find the FITNESS program that fits your goals as well as your lifestyle. The programs can range from cardio, weight lifting, cross training, dance, yoga, barre and (soon) biking! Each program has individualized meal plans to make sure you see the best results.
We have two NUTRITION options for you to choose from. One is macro based and the other is intuitive eating. I alternate with both and also use intermittent fasting a few times per week based on the intensity of my workout program. We will also chat about which option is best for you and also works with your family.
Interested in learning more about shakeology?
Watch this video to learn how it improved gut health and add your email if you want to learn how to get started today!
I am interested in learning more about Tracyโs fitness & nutrition groups!
Let's choose a fitness program and a nutrition plan that works for you!
Client Results